Severe Weather Warnings and Watches

MetService is New Zealand’s only authorised provider of Severe Weather Watches and Warnings.

MetService provides land-based severe weather alerts through a system of Outlooks, Watches and Warnings.


Severe Weather Watches

All Severe Weather Watches are yellow.

General Watch

A Watch - stay alert
Watches are represented by a yellow colour-code and accompanied by a circle icon. When a Watch is in place, stay alert and keep an eye on your local forecast for updates. Watches are used when severe weather is possible, but not imminent or certain.


Severe Weather Warnings

Severe Weather Warnings for heavy rain, strong wind or heavy snow, are classified into one of two categories: Orange Warnings or Red Warnings

General WarningOrange Warning - take action
Used when the forecast indicates incoming bad weather (expected heavy rain, strong wind or heavy snow) will meet our Severe Weather Criteria.  It signifies that people need to be prepared and take action as appropriate as there could be some disruption to their day and potential risk to people, animals and property. The majority of warnings issued by MetService will be orange. An Orange Warning will always be displayed as a hexagon icon.


General Severe Warning

Red Warning - take immediate action, act now!
Reserved for only the most extreme weather events, such the severe weather resulting from ex-tropical cyclones, where significant impact and disruption is expected.  It signifies that people need to act now as immediate action is required to protect people, animals and property from the impact of the weather. People should also be prepared to follow the advice of official authorities and emergency services. Red Warning icons will always be displayed as a triangle.


For Thunderstorms

Due to the rapid onset and damaging nature of severe thunderstorms, A Thunderstorm Warning will only ever be signified by the colour red and will simply be called a Thunderstorm Warning.

View our Thunderstorm Outlook forecast here MetService Thunderstorm Outlook. To learn more about Thunderstorm Watches and Warnings you can watch this video.



What is the difference between an outlook, a watch and a warning, and what should I do?

Severe Weather Outlooks

  • We can see bad weather coming in the next 3-6 days where a Watch or Warning may be required.
  • The Outlook is a ‘heads up’ that although we can see something coming, there is some uncertainty about what might happen and where.
  • There is no immediate threat, but you should be aware of what could be coming.

Severe Weather Watches

  • The closer an event gets and when we can add details for timing, location and intensity, we will issue a Watch (yellow colour code).
  • Watches are typically issued 1 - 3 days in advance of potential severe weather.
  • A Watch will be issued when we know bad weather is coming and it will be significant but not serious enough to reach ‘warning’ criteria, or when there is uncertainty about what might happen. 
  • Stay alert to the forecast and be prepared that you may be affected. 

Severe Weather Warnings

Orange Warning

  • When our forecasters are confident about what is going to happen, and where, and the impacts of this weather will be significant, we will issue an Orange Warning.  
  • The event must meet the severe weather criteria
  • Warnings are typically issued 1 - 3 days in advance of potential severe weather.
  • When an Orange Warning is in place take action and be prepared for significant disruption to your day and potential risk to people, animals and property

Red Warning

  • When an event is expected to be among the worst that we get – it will have significant impact and it is possible that a lot of people will be affected.
  • During a Red Warning, Act now!  Immediate action is required to protect property, people and animals from the impact of the weather. 
  • People should follow the advice of official authorities and emergency services. 


What is in a Severe Weather Warning?

A Severe Weather Warning is made up of:

  • Area that is likely to be affected.
  • Period of validity when the severe weather is expected.
  • Forecast providing detailed information about the predicted weather conditions.
  • Chance of being upgraded. This lets you know the likelihood (high, moderate, low, or minimal) that the weather could become more severe or that a higher-level warning will follow - making it clear when it is critical to keep up to date with the forecast.
  • Impact statements to better explain what the forecast weather could do. These will appear on all Warnings.  Additionally, they will appear in a Watch when there is a ’High’ chance of upgrade to a Warning.
  • Action statements with practical steps you can take to be weather ready. This advice is informed by the National Emergency Management Agency and tailored for different types of weather and severity.  For Watches, the actions will only appear if there is a ‘High’ chance the Watch will be upgraded to Warning.
  • Time of issue when the warning was issued or updated by MetService.
  • Next update. The expected time the forecast will be updated, usually by 10am or 10pm.