
Elevate your situational awareness of weather threats through your own informative dashboard.

Delivered through the MetService Insights Platform, dashboards can be customised to include any number of weather widgets, each rich with the meteorological observations and forecasts that are pertinent to your operation. Equally at home on the large screens of an Operations Centre as they are on your mobile, our MIP dashboards allow you to quickly see the information you need and none that you don’t.

Dashboards Example

Choose from the below aviation weather widgets and talk to us about how we can customise these around your operational thresholds, so you can make better informed data-driven decisions.


Airport Threat Matrix

Choose from a range of meteorological components and the Airport Threat Matrix provides a clear picture of the state of play both now and over your chosen period of time. Using the METAR, TAF, and model data, the matrix depicts the weather threats to your operation using thresholds chosen by you.Dashboards Page Airport Threat Matrix



Airport 1-minute Widgets

Runway Dials, Wind Speed Bars, and Automatic Weather Station read-outs provide a snapshot of the latest observations at an Airport. Updating every few minutes, each offer a simple visual representation of the latest observations for wind speed, direction, gusts and lulls as well as visibility, cloud, temperature, pressure and the state of the sky.

Airport 1 Minute Widgets


Lightning Widgets

See lightning strikes in real time, shown over a map of your choosing. Colours differentiate between older and newer strikes, whilst a historical list provides more information about each event. Add a proximity circle with watch and warning rings set at customisable distances from your location of interest. This creates segments that will highlight when a strike occurs within them. Lightning data can be overlaid with radar imagery to allow you to easily track cells that are producing strikes.

Dashboards Lightning


Other Widgets available

There are many other widgets available to add to your MIP dashboard so your organisation can make more data-driven decisions. These include Rain Radar and Satellite widgets, Lightning Prediction, alongside data tables, graphs, and warnings for plethora of historical, observation and forecast data. Talk to us about how the MetService Insights Platform can arm you with the information you need to make smarter, faster choices every day.


Want to know more?

To discuss the MetService Insights Platform, please contact aviationsales@metservice.com