Severe weather emails

You can sign up to a variety of severe weather warnings which will be delivered straight to your inbox as soon as the forecast is issued.



Important Information:

MetService places a high priority on the timeliness of warnings as well as on their accuracy, and many subscribers to MetService's email lists receive warnings a minute or two after they have been issued. All email is sent on a "best endeavours" basis. However, once email has been sent from MetService, MetService has no control or influence over the timeliness of its delivery. If you experience considerable delays in the delivery of warning emails from MetService, it may be due to the particular combination of security measures your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and MetService's email list provider use to protect you from spam, email viruses and the like. Please advise your Internet Service Provider of any such delays. If you do require (more or less) instant receipt of warnings of severe weather every time, we suggest you consider using another method of delivery.

By signing up for any of these lists, you also acknowledge that you have read and accept MetService's terms and conditions of use . Instructions for unsubscribing are included with every email sent via the list. If you are having problems unsubscribing, please contact us. MetService's Privacy Policy describe how we will treat the personal information you provide us with when you subscribe to any or all of these lists.